Pay It Forward : Kebaikan Harus di Teruskan..

Aku bisa membayangkan bagaimana kehidupanku sebelum mencapai masa-masa ini. Dulu, semuanya tidak ada yang baik, hanya hal-hal menyebalkan rasanya. Kini, aku merasa bahwa kebaikan itu dimana saja, bahkan dari hal-hal yang tidak aku sadari. Kindness is spreading with understanding we all struggle Saat kita dikelilingi oleh orang-orang baik, maka kita akan terpengaruh menjadi orang yang …

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A Message For My Last Day

If today or tomorrow is the last day of your life, would you want do? What do you want to present of your last day to your surrounding, what’s finally stuffs that you want to show to this world? Will you would like to spend your wealth or just spending your last time with beloved’s …

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How to build up a Sustain Commitment to learn..

Human are so dynamic, we can change every time. Changing their moods, minds, desires, targets, dreams and things. Sometimes we feel so enthusiastic at first. However, it doesn’t last long. and we will soon get bored. For people who can create their plans routinely and manage them properly is good skill,  it’s a beneficial skill …

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