How to build up a Sustain Commitment to learn..

Human are so dynamic, we can change every time. Changing their moods, minds, desires, targets, dreams and things. Sometimes we feel so enthusiastic at first. However, it doesn’t last long. and we will soon get bored. For people who can create their plans routinely and manage them properly is good skill,  it’s a beneficial skill …

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Fenomena Brain Drain: Saat Perginya Para Cendekiawan

the emigration of highly trained or intelligent people from a particular country. Kamu yang saat ini ambisius dalam meraih mimpimu. Bagaimana kabarmu? Bolehkah kita duduk bersila, berdua, bertiga untuk berbicara tentang masa muda, mimpi dan angan-angan serta jaminan hari tua. Bagiku dan kamu, bahkan kita semua. Pendidikan sangat berarti bagi diri sendiri dan kehidupan secara …

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