Categories: Tulisan

Pare in the Many Perspektives..

Pare is one of homogeneous sub district in Kediri City, Pare become Prima Donna for students and generally young man that want to find the best & supportive place for studying bilingual. In our mind, Pare is really identical with “Kampus Inggris” or English Village. But, it doesn’t because in Pare we can find so many iconic places like “Kampus Inggris” such as Kampung Lebah, Kampung Jahe and Kampung Bawang. These villages is close to each other. It means, we didn’t realize, If Pare sub district not only has an iconic village but many more there.

The first time, I arrived at Pare, Kediri. It was 08 October 2021. I carry a goal to make significant changes in my language ability such as speaking, listening, writing and reading. I put speaking first because I’m so passionate to fix my speaking problem. Yeah, I’m so difficult to speak in English, I suddenly “Gagap” every I got someone talk to me using English. By my assume,Every it because I less practice to empower my vocabulary so that my mouth is difficulty to speak in English.

Based the main problem above, Pare become the best place in Indonesia, the supportive place for learning English include how to socialize with plural people connected by language and I’m student really helpful with Pare as supportive environment for studying English and practice it. So, this is my first perspective as a student.

Pare is Homogeneous Place

Every places and every corners we see and every course sites we will always find the variety of people there. Like, in my Camp. I camp in Alfalfa 7, we are  19 members here and almost of us from differences cities. There are from Aceh, Ambon, Toraja, Medan, Semarang, Kediri, Pasuruan, etc and I’m the only one from Lombok. With the diversity, we can do better in knowing each other. Like we can share across cultures and cities. We get new perspectives and motivational in the same way to study here. Some study for work preparation, scholarship and only just to fill spare time. We get lesson learn by sharing deep problem in our BTS (Before Time Sleep) program or in the spare time of tight class. In every moment we can more grateful to know our pain each other so we more motivate to become better person.

Pare is Cycling Culture

When we imagine about Cycling Culture so in our top of mind will be referenced with Japan as a country with cycling culture. Japan has been recognized as a biking nation. Japan is referred to as a nation of over 100 million cyclists, and its capital city, Tokyo is the most bicycle dense mega-city in the entire world. It is reported that 16% of all trips made in a day in Tokyo are by bicycle. But, we don’t need to spend extra cost go to Japan only to see and feel cycling culture. We can go to Pare of course to get experience use bicycle/bike as primary transportation. And this culture is really healthy of course, with our tight study schedule here is vulnerable for health specifically we doesn’t have a lot of spare time and by combining two processes a study and cycling are build our good habit and it build balancing between our busyness and health need.

Pare is Communicate Culture

Not only communication between students, but also communication between students and the community here. This culture became a habit. The people of Tulung Rejo (Kampung Inggris) can be said to be able develop their area. The forerunner is idea to create study group with focuses on English Subject. Then, English learning groups are slowly getting more and more enthusiasts. Because of the booming interest in study groups, almost all Tulungrejo Villages have opened courses. In the Pare, we can see meatball seller, mix rice seller and so on are selling in English.

Pare is Friendly City

I surely, all of us will be totally agree how friendly this city. We meet friendliness and politeness native people here that make us feel warm. We don’t need to worry feeling lost when the first time we go to Pare because the people here will show us with friendly response and guide us to the path we mean. I feel so harmful here. Beside I get a lot of caring friend, I feel like living 5-8 years a go in my village. This place is more natural even Pare is located in the big city. Not like another sub district in another city in Java island. Pare is still preserved the nature and culture of the people. Pare is refreshing.

Pare With Low Cost Living

We will strongly agree with this last point. Pare is very friendly with a student’s wallet. We can find so many prasmanan stalls (Makan ambil sendiri) here and totally cost every portion is under 10K (Rp 10.000). I actually spend my spare time after class to walk around Kampung Inggris to find other cheapest places for eating and eat

As a social creatures then essentially humans will always changing. Humans by nature will always change because if they do not change then they will not survive. Meanwhile cultures have dynamic nature. Dynamic because culture change at any time. If there is a new cultural element coming up then the culture amend slowly.

Local culture that has existed for hundreds of years in the community, directly or indirectly will transform slowly. The same applies to local cultures that
have lived in a society which has existed for hundreds of years. Slowly the local culture will change due to the influence of new cultural elements.

Harry Sunaryo

An IT Enthusiast. Founder Sanggar IT Lombok, System Analyst. Programmer. Writer on

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