Categories: TulisanUlasan

How to build up a Sustain Commitment to learn..

Human are so dynamic, we can change every time. Changing their moods, minds, desires, targets, dreams and things. Sometimes we feel so enthusiastic at first. However, it doesn’t last long. and we will soon get bored. For people who can create their plans routinely and manage them properly is good skill,  it’s a beneficial skill for some people who can’t manage their plans. Otherwise it will be an initial sign of problems for people who cannot manage their plans – they do not have any let alone.

Can we guarantee that our life is always in its good path?

So, how will we be without any plans? Is it possible or not?

Plan to school, plan to get job and to get special soulmate to be our long lasting partner. Referring to to our daily plans, we have to have one big plan is to have new skill.

For example: I want to be an International Public Speaker, so I must be able to speak English fluently and smoothly, then to obtain this skill I decide to go Pare because I know that Pare is best place to learn English and its environment is supportive for the students.

A few weeks in Pare. I’m so excited with my classes. I took many programs, wishing that I would make significant changes for my ability in English.

Time flies, day by day, week by week. I get bored. I start lose my spirit and hope and I feel too lazy to step out from my bed. The first time I set up my plan for mastering this skill faster, I’m fully excited and I wish I could spend every my single day to learn and practice. Nevertheless, I feel that two months is no enough. I start to be weakened.

Then, I ask myself.

“Why I am be like this?”

I try to think harder and I find the answer by checking some symptoms that potentially make me weakened. I can’t get my focus as well, sometimes I am so sleepy in the class and the worst is  that I do not feel excited. Then, I get this. A new phrase, it called “Culture Shock”,  it is a stage where we should try to deal and adapt with new cultures.

My original culture is different with Pare’s culture. The way to speak in daily conversation and the way to get friends. Besides that, I miss my hometown. I feel homesick and I have been trying to recover myself, to rebuild my hope and my enthusiasm. I remember my commitment with the first my promise to myself. I do a lot of things to fit better in this culture. However, it is not easy because this is first experience to be far from my home.

What do I do to rebuild up my spirit? To repair the jar of hope which has fallen apart.

The first one, when every time I feel so bored. I play some songs that can be trigger me to remember my parents because I am you will agree with me that family can be strong reason for you to raise mood up and give you backup’s energy.

And I save many songs that tell about parents such as “Ayah — Seventeen, Kaulah Ibuku — Haddad Alwy”. You can get more in YouTube, but these songs are always in my playlist. Every time on my way to go courses places. I listened these song while ride my bicycle and I feel better, stronger and no hopeless again. 🙂

I got my spirit back.

Other way. In addition to keeping your motivation alive, I have one other suggestion

What’s that? Being Poor! Hahaa.

Being poor here means that you need to realize your current situation. In this state, you should be aware the limit of spending your time and your money. You don’t want to join hang out agendas every night, you skip plan to take holiday every weekend so you can maximize your time and attention to learn. You should decrease your unproductive activities such as hangout, excursion and gaming

But, it doesn’t mean you can take holiday and hangout at all. 😁

It just for restricting yourself, your desire to spend your money and of course you to something that doesn’t give impacts to your purposes.

So, let me to conclude it:

  1. Arrange a playlist of songs with family theme and listen them every time you feel low.
  2. Be poor, this means that you need to learn how to limit yourself from spending your resources.

You can give me some additions to this writing based on your experience. So, I can learn more from what you have done as long as a wanderer.

Thank you..

Harry Sunaryo

An IT Enthusiast. Founder Sanggar IT Lombok, System Analyst. Programmer. Writer on

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