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Circle Check is Beautiful Way For Releasing “Uneg-Uneg”

As human being, we can not make sure all the things are running well. All the time we may make some mistakes and troubles to families, friends, working partners and others intentionally or not.  By this evidence, making a mistake is a necessity. But, action after making that mistake is a thing which need a strong attention.
I am here gong to talk about a way to solve one of Social Problems. How can make people open to share? How can make team easier to speak up? As I know, this way is totally applicable for social life especially community and organization. How to make all people can speak each others; open their complaints; and correcting each other as result. As community developer, I ensure, it is not easy to create a space that people can speak up to correct their personality as a team. By sharing problems and complaints that we have as personal. Then, it will be good circumstance that makes teamwork can be more compact.
I do not know how can all people can share their problems, their “uneg-uneg” to their partners in the end it makes their relationship stronger and more open. I just believe, as long as we want to share by telling the truth so all problems be there are potentially getting clear and in the end it will be solved as soon. As long you can share, it means you care.
Of course it is not easy as we think, not easy as flipping the palm, right? Because telling the truth requires bravery, good will, readiness and the most important as key is “Good Chance”.
Fortunately, when we do not have bravery and good will at the same time but there’s a special chance which we can created that makes us able to speak and explain the all problems and troubles that we face.
Then, the question is come, how can I create that special chance?
Here’s we call as “Circle Check“, it is a way that allowing anyone to correct each other freely and fairly. It is may quite similar with FGD (Focus Group Discussion), but it is completely different at all. Circle Check Method is method that force all people are sitting together and make a perfect circle and all of them connected. Then, we will be starting from choose as a Target randomly or using a simple lottery game (Ex. spinning marker). After that, the right person (Evaluator) of chosen one must give the first opinion about target. It can totally independent, evaluator can talk about target’s personality, his bad habit, his behavior and everything that evaluator get as long as evaluator is together for a certain time with the target in that social activity (Ex. In a community, organization, company), then it will continue to the next person on the right of first person who given evaluation before and so on after the last person who giving evaluation is the left person of target.
What’s the rule of this method?
  1. Target is not allowed to answer all the evaluation (criticism, suggestion, uneg-uneg) but for special thing you can (like a appreciation).
  2. Target just shut up as long the evaluator giving evaluation to him. Just Silent.
  3. Evaluator is not allowed use any Bad Words on his delivering.
  4. Evaluator just has 2 minutes to speak. Just it. It is maximum of time.
  5. Evaluator can not speak about Childhood Story of Target, His Family Problems and something which has nothing relation to team matters.
  6. Other evaluators just calm until their turn is come.
  7. No need physical contact especially offensive moves.
  8. Target only needs to accept. Whatever that is. If true, that is message but if false, that is self-introspection.

By understanding this method, at least you have a method and tool which you can use someday in your community, organization or small circle. It is a must, we need a space and time to correct each others. Because, as fellow human we do not always realize every time we make mistake to people. Especially, when we are in Team Work, so it highly risky to annoy or hurt each other. Before everything too late to discuss, better late than never so that discussing about anything in our circle that can potentially make bigger problems in the future it can be avoided by telling the truth in the circle through Circle Check.

Circle Check, of course it is not only the way to let each team to speak up and share what they want to share to each other. All roads led to Rome, as long as we have good will to change something wrong so always be there a way to find.

Camp 7 Alfalfa English Club. Pare, Kediri, East Java.


Harry Sunaryo

An IT Enthusiast. Founder Sanggar IT Lombok, System Analyst. Programmer. Writer on

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